Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bread for Lunch - Carrot chicken luncheon and BBQ cheese sandwich

Carrot chicken luncheon and BBQ cheese sandwich

Mom complained that the chicken luncheon that I bought previously was practically tasteless, so this time round, I bought the carrot chicken luncheon instead, thinking that at least there is going to be some taste of carrot.

But no, it didn't... Maybe I'm just not sensitive enough (okay, I was expecting STRONG carrot taste like the Pokka carrot juice), but I really couldn't taste any carrot out of the luncheon. But hey, if the luncheon is not strong, just get stronger cheese and bread!

So in the end, I tied the carrot chicken luncheon up with smoked BBQ cheese and Fruit & Grain Bread. The "smoke" and "BBQ" taste from the cheese was there but not very strong as well, but the cheese does have a fuller taste than those low fat cheese. The Fruit & Grain Bread is really nice with abundant raisins and the sweetness of the bread actually goes well with the luncheon and cheese!

To make it even better, I baked the sandwich in the oven for 5-10 minutes to melt the cheese! Yum!

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